Live The Off-Grid Dream Programs

Choose What Suits You

We offer sliding scale pricing and payment plans to make this accessible. You can book a call to speak with us if you want!

Get Everything You Need With Personal Help Along The Way!

Get instant access to your:

  1. Full Online Course | Self-paced, unlimited client access, new content every month

  2. Private VIP Group Access & Community Support | Facebook & Telegram

  3. 1-2 Video Calls Per Month For Personal Help | in a small group setting with dedicated time for you, as long as it takes to answer your questions and help you, with Jaymie (co-founder)

  4. Resources & Suppliers | Get all our contacts and connections for the best deals (we never take a cut), documents, contracts, etc

  5. 15% Off In-Person Workshops & Events

  6. Physical Workbook Package Optional

Payment Options

12 payments of $75 (monthly)

5 payments of $167 (monthly)

$797 upfront

You get instant access even if you take a payment plan.

Everything You Need, Personal Help + We Do The Heavy Lifting For You

Get instant access to:

  1. Everything In The Done-With-You Package | The full course, VIP group access, personal help with 1-2 video calls per month, resources and suppliers, PLUS…

  2. VIP video library | A library of all recorded consulting calls to browse answers to your questions and learn from peoples unique scenarios

  3. Business plan package | Our business plan, financial projections and pitch deck pre-filled out exactly the way we used it to create our project and get funded

  4. Investors network | Introductions to aligned, pre-vetted investors and funding connections that actually care about the people and planet

  5. Personal Plan & Strategy Review | Get a personal 1-on-1 strategy review with recorded video

  6. Community Development Plan | 90% of intentional communities fail, here’s our plan for successful community land development + big economic opportunities

  7. 25% Off In-Person Workshops & Events

  8. Physical Workbook Package Optional

Payment Options

12 payments of $97 (monthly)

5 payments of $227 (monthly)

$1100 upfront

You get instant access even if you take a payment plan.

Everything Else + 3 Day In-Person Workshop + Priority Experience

Get instant access to:

  1. Everything In The Previous Packages | Everything we offer, the course, personal help, VIP video library, business plan package, investors network, etc...

  2. Access To A 3 Day In-Person Workshop | Join us and learn in-person at our 160 acre sanctuary in Rock Creek, BC, Canada | Choose your dates

  3. Food & Spa Access Included | Use our off-grid hydrotherapy spa & enjoy 5-star, organic, local, farm-to-table meals

  4. Jaymie’s Personal Phone Number | Message like friends and get voice message responses on the go whenever you need

  5. 50% Off All Other Workshops & Events | Get 50% off other workshops and events that we’re hosting, such as permaculture workshops

  6. Physical book package included

Payment Options

12 payments $227 (monthly)

5 payments of $527 (monthly)

$2500 upfront

You get instant access even if you take a payment plan.

Talk To A Real Human

Book a call with us! Talk with a consultant to explore how our programs can help.


Here’s What People Say After They Come Here…

What You’ll Learn In These Programs…

  • How to raise money and make your dream happen with partners, crowdfunding, investors, financing, banks, loans, credit, family & friends (remember, we started this with no land, no money and poor credit).

    The course reviews how to approach all of these options for success, and what to watch out for.

    Like how to create and communicate value so you could take investment and still keep majority ownership in your land and business.

    Or what investors are going to want to see, the legal strategies you may encounter and how to navigate them.

    ​Purchasing options, what to expect, and different ways of setting it up legally and financially.

    ​And options to utilize the land to help cover it’s purchasing costs.

  • In our first year we were donated a barrel sauna, thousands of dollars in brand new tools, a teepee, bell tent, wall tent, kitchen appliances, building materials, machinery, and more. Without even asking! This is the power of displaying your vision in an inspiring way.

    Get all the information and use simple worksheets to help hone your vision so you can make a plan you’re confident in.

    Learn the ability to communicate that plan to attract partners, volunteers, investors, guests, customers, donations, and more.

    Though we cover financial topics in this course, we are not about money.

    We are about VALUE. If you create value with good intention, people will give you money and be grateful to do so. Which you can then use to continue building your vision in a good way. Most things are an exchange of perceived value. Learn how to increase your perceived and tangible value to get the most out of life.

  • Learn the options, why’s and how’s behind creating a solid corporate structure for your land and operations.

    Including holding companies, corporations, B-corps, non-profits, charity status, strategies to setup and distribute shares, getting government and corporate grants and donations, and much more.

    Learn our unique business model that creates a valuable asset, cash flow, and lowers your risk (or anyone invested in your project).

  • An economic engine is a business that runs on its own, with little ongoing input from you.

    This allows you to detach your time – your most valuable resource – from money. You can do what you want with your time, like building out your life and vision, and still have cash flowing in.

    An economic engine also creates no economic options on your land.

    For example, we have created Airbnb stays that are automated by our caretakers and through hands-off marketing and systemized communication.

    The guests that come to our land create opportunities to sell produce from the farm so we don’t have to spend our time, fuel and maintenance costs going to markets. Our caretakers can also provide massage sessions, fitness coaching, etc and create their own income.

    This is a key factor for a self-sufficient property and life, that most people miss.

  • Get step-by-step guide books on the best ways to create Airbnb stays, a campsite, retreat centre or rental venue. We run the numbers for you and give you all our financial data and what we’ve learned from our guests in real time.

    Get the most efficient route – what fulfills your vision while taking the least time and money to create.

    Get the systems we use to attract customers so well you can raise your prices and don’t have to do any marketing.

    Everything from building, right down to templates for your listings.

  • Learn how to measure and create wow-factor to easily attract everyone from an investor to a guest or customer, with very little ongoing effort and time.

    Learn how to build an email list as a lasting asset without being effected by social media algorithms and how to write to your audience. We have taken just 20 minutes to send 1 email and made $12,000 by filling 2 weekend retreats at premium prices. These are the skills you’ll learn.

    Wow-factor will reduce your marketing costs and effort in unimaginable ways. The industry standard return on investment for marketing is, for example, to spend $300 and make $700-900. That’s 2.5-3x. Ours is to spend $300 and make $3000-9000, a 10-30x return. We’ll show you how we do this.

  • We have a friend that bought land in the Kootney’s and lived there happily for years, until one year it started flooding. It continues to flood every year and they can’t sell it.

    Another friend, Caroline, bought 80 acres on an island off the coast of Vancouver, they spent their life savings building their dream homestead and healing centre. Then the local governing authority wouldn’t let them open. So they couldn’t make money, and still can’t sell the land.

    A guy near us bought acreage and drilled a well only to find half a gallon of water (this is bad).

    These are the types of major scenarios that are not uncommon, that we want to help you avoid.

    Assessing your land properly, for your specific needs, helps secure your future and save you a lot more than money in the long run.

    You’ll learn what to expect when buying land, options on how to buy and set it up legally and financially, mortgage options, what zoning and bylaws allow and what to lookout for.

  • Instead of spending $100k on a dwelling to rent on Airbnb, partner with our suppliers and finance one for $700/month and get $4000/month in rental income. You profit, and you own a valuable asset.

    Or instead of spending $10-20k on a solar setup, build it into your financing for your self-sufficient off-grid home.

    We work with select partners that offer easy financial options, and we design custom products with them that meet our standard and are off-grid-ready. We do not get a financial kick-back from them at all, we just like their work, we do it for our own land, and we pass it on to you.

    Learn about mortgage options, unique financing options, and a variety of financial tools to help you reach your goal sooner and in alignment with your budget.

  • Permaculture is an approach to land management and design based on what is observed in flourishing natural ecosystems.

    It can turn desert into oasis, bringing life back to the land for thousands of years after we’re gone.

    Or help defend your land from wildfire, grow food forests, or be completely carbon negative.

    It encompasses regenerative agriculture, earthworks, community living, and every way humans interact with the environment and each other.

    We’re building Azhen into one of the worlds top permaculture demonstration sites.

  • Using permaculture principles, learn where to start on your land and how to create your zones for building, planting, grazing and managing your land in the most efficient ways.

  • Going from writing things down on paper to actually being in the middle of building on your land… everything changes.

    Learn what structures you need in reality, and how to develop them efficiently.

  • Learn how to use what you’ve got, from milling your own lumber to using straw bales as insulation.

    Or using passive solar and geothermal for heating/cooling your home or greenhouse so you can grow fresh food in -50 degree winters.

    Work with nature to create amazing things and learn more about what is myth versus reality.

  • When it comes to solar you could spend $40k, have a lot of hassle and need experts to come in and hook it up and still have no idea how it works or how to fix it… or you could buy plug-and-play systems that are easy, offer the SAME amount of power, for half the price.

    Learn what panels, batteries and gear is best, and why, and where to buy them.

    Get all the same info on wind, micro-hydro and other power options.

  • Most builders would tell you to put in a septic tank, but most builders aren’t off-grid.

    Learn about all your options, what the most eco-friendly, easiest, and least expensive ones are, and how to deal with the bylaws.

  • Drilled wells, crib wells, water catchment, ponds, swales, and reservoirs… learn about it all, how to assess your land before buying it, not get price gauged, what equipment you’ll need like pressure tanks, etc, winter water storage, and so much more.

    Azhen has all of the above, including 2 seasonal springs.

    We’re building one of the largest water catchment and earthworks projects of it’s kind to hold over 100 million litres of water and gravity feed orchard, garden, pasture, and fire suppression.

  • Learn the basics and where to start for growing / raising your own food in a regenerative way.

    This includes things like how to make the worlds best compost in 18 days, planting on contour, garden beds, where to get seeds and animals, how to protect and store your food, best greenhouse options, grazing patterns, and much more.

    Regenerative agriculture does not use any sprays or toxins, but instead grows beyond organic, healthy food, and adapts to insect, predatory and climate events using natural methods.

    It regenerates the land and creates thriving ecosystems.

  • We spent WAY too much money on the wrong tools and equipment. There are better, more efficient options that we want to show you.

    Know what you need at different stages, how to budget for it, and even how to get tools for free.

    Learn the different brands, purchasing and private financing options for heavy equipment and what’s best or needed for your use-case.

  • People are the hardest part of any project, but almost always necessary. Caretakers will take a load of work off you and you can get them for free.

    Learn how to attract and choose good people, where to find them, and create good, clear relationships.

    The off-grid / rural life attracts an array of people, and it can present major struggles and create emotional situations for those who are not prepared.

    Learn options to protect yourself legally and deal with people living on your land.

  • Creating effective firebreaks, using animals to manage them, fire suppression sprinkler systems and water management, V-ditches, and new biodegradable suppressant technology.

    Azhen is building probably of the most advance natural fire protection systems in Canada.

    Protect your investment and livelihood.


Some of these are the rarest and highest value skills in the world.

Raising money, creating passive income, creating value, and legal and real estate strategy are all skills that are extremely rare.

You get to take these skills with you for the rest of your life.

Apply them anywhere to all areas of life and business. If you learn what we teach in this workshop, you can do anything.

We’ve travelled around the world and spent 100’s of thousands of dollars and multiple careers to gain these.

Now you can have them, neatly bundled up, and you get to choose your price.

Because the people we work with have good intentions for the world.

And the world needs more of that, so we want to make this accessible to everyone.

It’s a lot of info, but we make it simple with Playbooks.

We give you all the options, but we also give you exactly what we would do.

That’s what a Playbook is – a step-by-step guide of what we would recommend as the best path.

Less thinking, more action. You can take it and get to creating your vision.

Choose from a variety of Playbooks in the course.

And have ongoing support and live video calls with us in the VIP group.

Go To Step #2 To…

  • Get Pricing: We offer sliding-scale pricing, which means you choose your price based on your financial needs, plus payment plan options to make this as accessible and as easeful for everyone.

  • Register For A Program: Spots are limited because we offer personal help in all of our programs. You can register on the next page.

  • Book A Call With Us: If you're still unsure if this is for you, book a call with us. We want to make sure it's the right fit for you.

More Details


This online-course is entirely self-paced, you get instant access, including access to all new additions.

It’s continuously updated like a Netflix for bringing your vision to life.

Post and ask questions in the groups anytime you want.

Live zoom consulting calls are usually held bi-weekly. Day’s and times change to accommodate everyones schedules. All video calls are recorded so you can review them whenever you want.

You may also submit questions to any Live zoom call and we’ll answer it for you.

In-person workshop dates are released Spring through Fall, you will be able to choose from several dates.

Real Support In The VIP Group

There’s people in our group that even get together for holiday meals! That’s how tight our community is. Get active support and ongoing consulting. Here’s some examples from people we’ve worked with…

Who’s Hosting Your Course

  • Shelby Friesen

    Growing up in the trades, Shelby was a welder, fabricator and boiler maker. He spent a career erecting $10-$35m luxury homes in Whistler, BC.

    He then started RYD Motorsports, a national award-winning company that designed and built high-end suspension systems and chassis, among many other things, for trucks and race cars. This is where he honed his mechanical, design and engineering skills.

    A battle with mental health opened Shelby’s perspective, which ultimately brought him to search for better ways of living. He started Mental Millennials, a podcast focussed on mental health, and trained in health and nutrition.

    Azhen is a collection and continuum of his learnings for a better way of living.

  • Jaymie Friesen

    Raised in the same family of trades, Jaymie grew up building custom homes – from foundation to roof and everything in between. He is a 3rd year electrical apprentice and studied physics.

    Jaymie and Shelby started their first business at age 13, and Jaymie went on to found 4 more.

    His most notable experience is the founding of Habitat Botanicals, a toxin-free biodegradable bath & beauty business acquired by Pela. And operating a $60m telecommunications software business with teams across several countries.

    Jaymie has dreamed of creating Azhen since he was 13 years old. Through many roundabout adventures in other areas of life, spirit continues to bring him back to this.


Azhen is located in Rock Creek, BC, Canada.

Just 40 minutes East of Osoyoos, and 2 hours South of Kelowna.

Since this is sacred land, out of respect for our space we do not accept walk-ins.

So you will receive specific directions after booking a retreat or stay.

The road in is government maintained year-round and is accessible with all vehicle types.